Painfully Normal

All the happy people quit speaking my language
The sad souls are laughing at my jokes again
Everyone’s telling new tales, I’m stuck with old stories
Too many remember versions of me I wish dead
Yesterday is for joys to miss and mistakes to regret
Tomorrow is for all the exciting things I will not do
Today is to waste on quick thrills and shaky smiles
Today is when waking becomes a little more mournful
I still can’t tell a love story in first-person
I still have shelter, still don’t feel at home
If money talks, I don’t have enough to listen
Hope still sings but her voice is oh so tired
The leeches are moaning about the taste of blood again
All my heroes turned into clowns and vampires
You can’t trust promise, even if the future had any
Friends become strangers, and strangers get stranger
But I’m okay, this is all painfully normal.